If i was........

If I was........... (fill in the blank)
We all have that "If i was" moments
If i was a little shorter, i could have worn heels to my leavers dance
If i was a bit more smarter i could have gotten into UCT
If i was a bit more confident i could be famous😂

These are some of mine but there's tons more.....Maybe some i'm even insecure to talk about
I am who i am
In this now, you are exactly the person you should be
You are exactly where you should be
You wont wake up everyday feeling like a million dollars, today you'll feel like a 5, tomorrow a 70 and the next a 25 but all in all, you are a 100
The beauty of this is you have been granted grace to overcome the negativity we place on ourselves
You are perfect the way you are with your imperfections

And next time you think "If i was"....fill in the blank with ME

 " Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior
  but nobody is equal either.
  People are simply unique, incomparable.
  You are you, I am I"             ~Osho


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