Leftovers in an Ice-cream lunchbox

We all know that disappointing feeling when you open that 2L ice cream container and Lo and Behold, you either find last nights beef stew or rice or whatever, but it is definitely not ice creamπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
That feeling when your heart drops is the worst because you were so expectant and ready and excited but you go from a 100 to a 0 pretty quick. And for some reason growing up, I always fell for it, still do. You'd think by now I'd know that mama probably put leftovers in there but for some reason I still have hope and feel betrayed every-time. But when that hunger strikes, you suddenly remember that rice and you are appreciative of that lunch boxπŸ˜‚ I know most people probably relate and know EXACTLY  what I'm talking about.
People and situations around us are all just like these ice cream tins.  (Does sound weird).

We tend to perceive situations (ours or not), or people from what we see on the outside and the moment we open the lid, we might not necessarily like what we find on the inside because it's not what we wanted or expected and we get disappointed..... or you'll be blessed and find exactly what you were hoping for, but remember that just because its not what you were expecting doesn't mean its not what you need.This reminds me of Isaiah 55: 8 which says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord". Sometimes what you weren't expecting is what you need.
And ice cream has different flavors, sizes and packaging but it's still all ice cream just like how we are all one people but different & unique 🌼🌈 Different experiences each have a lesson to teach as well. 

P.S You may have wanted that Neapolitan but it wouldn't have filled you up like those potatoes lol or you might get vanilla, chocolate and strawberry separately and these 3 combined make Neapolitan.
Image result for zimbabwean ice cream

When you feel like you are drowning in life, don't worry, your lifeguard walks on water xx


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