Dial yourself to the right frequency

Being an introvert, going out takes a whole lot out of me. I'd rather stay in my room and do nothing and I'm absolutely happy with this lol. Most people don't understand this but hey....
So when I do eventually go out (which is rarely), I have to get my mind into the right mindset. I have to hype myself up before the day comes and make sure its imprinted in my brain that I have a commitment and I am actually going to leave the house😅 This way I'm ready and expecting what's going to happen.
Just like the radio, you have to tune it to a specific frequency so that it can pick up a specific signal otherwise all you get is static.
Get yourself into the right frequency for whatever task you have to do: Studying, making notes, going out etc etc. Once your heart and mind are aligned, not only will you get the job done, but you'll actually enjoy yourself whilst doing it. And you would have already created that atmosphere of expectation and The atmosphere of expectation is the breeding ground for miracles.

P.S If the station is boring, change the dial xx


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